creative commissions
Don’t fancy a picture for the wall? How about a scene or character painted on a slate or large pebble? Or perhaps it’s a more abstract use of nature's media that you like the idea of? Maybe a polished length of wood with a moorland silhouette and sunset painted on it… It’s the challenge of the contrary that drives me so send me your idea and we can decide if its realistic or not.
Using natural stones, gravel, sea glass, drift wood and pressed flowers you can create some beautiful interpretations of photos presented in a box frame.
Fimo clay modelling is another area I work in. Over the years I’ve made many a themed necklace!
Would you, or do you know anyone who would benefit from a larger handled set of cutlery? Can-do cutlery was a concept I created a few years ago using fimo to create colourful alternatives to boring, thick handled cutlery used by adults and children with grip problems.